Axa Financial
Digital Engagement
This campaign was designed to address consumer disatisfaction with the financial sector after the banks borrowed heavily from the public.
By giving consumers a platform to express their opinions on all things financial our hope was that Axa (who emerged from the scandal unscathed) could take the high ground, demonstrating to people 'We get it'. As in 'we get that you're annoyed, frustrated, bemused and - well the list goes on.'
After the initial burst of commentary, seeded by comedians and later populated by the public, we aimed to follow up with a suite of tools and apps to make people's finances much easier to manage.
This video was part our pitch; setting the scene.
We'd begin by seeding comedy content from professional comedians - targeting potential customers by age and geographic profile.
This is a spoof auctions that tells the story of Phil, about to sell his pension on ebay (with a caravan thrown in.)
Ultimately our aim was to establish Axa as the friendly face of finance, able to engage in a dialogue that goes both ways.
The idea won the pitch but the client chose a more conservative execution.
Having demonstrate that 'we get it'; we'd follow up with useful information and tools to help customers manage their lives better.
Tools would be designed for different life stages of customer journeys.
Customers would have access to a portal called One Life, with a dashboard offering various services, including access to a local IFA.